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Shinsuke " SHIN " Matsukawa

Born in 1973 in Kamakura, Japan

Graduated from renowned Tokyo College of Photography in 1995 and joined Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc., one of Japan's largest publishing houses 

Specialities include food and beverage, portrait, Fashion, travel and interior design photography 

Works included in major Japanese publications including GQ, LEON, NHK publications, ELLE gourmet, Agora, DEPARTURES, Delta Airline Inflight Magazine, Japan Airline Inflight Magazine, Singapore Airline Inflight Magazine, amongst others. Also included T+L Southeast Asia, Conde Nast Traveler, in a number of International lifestyle publications.

Became freelance in 2005, travelling to Bhutan, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Morocco, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Namibia and the UK to build a portfolio of portraits and travel works. 

Based in Kamakura Japan, splitting his time between

Tokyo and various international projects. 

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1973年 鎌倉出身
世界文化社在職中は主に、家庭画報、家庭画報 International、Men’s EX、Begin、 Graceful Wedding、きものサロン、 MISSなどの雑誌をはじめ、料理、インテリア、ファッションなどのムックを撮影。
2005年10月 世界文化社退社後フリーランスとなる。


2007年から2010年7月まで香港在住 香港をベースに活動

2010年7月から2015年7月までバンコク在住 バンコクをベースに活動

2015年6月より鎌倉在住 日本をベースに国内外で活動中。


Discover Japan, GQ, LEON, 東京カレンダー, Agora, ELLE gourmet, Delta Airline Inflight Magazine, Japan Airline Inflight Magazine, Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Conde Nast Traveler, 

Accor Hotels, Hoshino Resorts, Ace Hotel Kyoto, 

Grand Hyatt Tokyo, Hotel Okura, HKTB, Greening,

,Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, 他

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